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The Stalker Report. All details about those that stalk on the net.

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Stalkers on the Net...

After much thought and viewing of the recent twitters that have been circulating, I have decided to place my own experience and proof of what this hate group has been alleging I have done.  What really ticked me off was when I saw Donna aka StopTheCyberBullying (known by this name a few months back) reference my deceased grandson.  Back just a few short months ago Donna was performing searches on Alex Goddard and Tracey Roddy.  She would connect with me in a google chat and give me links to where she was searching for information on them.  At one point she stated she was going to pay to get the information (screen shot will be provided) but she had to wait for her hubby to leave the next day.  I have all documentation that will be presented in this blog.

Now Donna is going under other alias such as STCBReturns and SimplyNotDivine on Twitter.  She once was on the side of the haters and then decided she did not like what was happening and how Beaconhell was treating Murt and many others.  Including those that are disabled and elderly.  So she joined forces to exploit them.  She publicly apologized to Murt on his blog for "turning against him" and many of his supporters wrote him stating do not trust her.  Well, he should have listened, and so should I have.

It now appears Donna is back on the side of this hate group.  Maybe she got too much harassment or threats, I do not know.  Last time I spoke to her was when she sent me an email stating she was sorry for what happened to my grandson and she was not on the net due to medical reasons.  That she was in no part involved in what they were doing.  Particularly on a fake FaceBook that is alledged Michelle McKee made.  In this FaceBook not only did they RSS feed Murt's twitters but commented on each of them in vulgarity and slander.  When it was brought to my attention that they were mentioning the death of my grandson on this FaceBook page, I of course viewed it further.  Once my daughter who was the one who lost her son, saw what they were writing about me, she came in as a defense.  Needless to say they ripped her to shreds.  Went as far as to say that her "child must of died from the poisonous venom coming from her breasts." I have those screenshots as well and will provide them further on in this blog.  After many complaints to FaceBook not only about the content, but about the slanderous lies and mentioning a law firm that I worked for, FaceBook removed the page.

Now this group moved onto Twitter.  They post personal information about others including myself.  But always throw a twist into it.  They go under hideous names and use profanity at its finest.  They threaten to ruin reputations, call businesses, wish death upon others, and claim I am going under all these twitter names to harass them.  Not true.  I have a twitter account I used to communicate with them under my real name.  Not all the false ones they post stating it is I.  They go on to say that I stole a password from the law firm I was employed at.  The password is to an account namely, LexisNexis.  False again. They say I am under "investigation" and will be arrested.  Interesting, when I phoned them there was no investigation and even offered me a complimentary report on myself.  Which they did provide via postal mail.  That was a month ago.

The purpose of this blog is to show emails and chats of how Donna aka STCB was preforming searches on others.  How she went into chat rooms under alias names.  How she wanted information on all people. 

I find it interesting that now Donna is claiming I did these searches.  Funny how one has to lie and deceive in order to "fit in" to a group.  Like I said, I didn't pay much attention to it until this hate group brought up my grandson.  Now I feel its necessary to show all.  In the posts to follow you will see concrete proof of how Donna used search engines and how much she despised Alex in HER own words.  I refuse to stand by and take the fall for something Donna did.  Now mind you, yes I was on the receiving end of her links and emails.  Yes at the time another blog was in place and Donna was very upset that Tracey Roddy allowed the mention of her daughter on his blog.  That is what set her off to do the searches to begin with.

All copies of emails, chats and so forth will be provided within each post.  I will be dissecting bit by bit so it is read correctly.  And the other purpose is for my own filing with regard to slander and defamation of character.

I have had enough of the cruel activities of this group.  But to make up lies and accusations, in addition to taunting me about the death of my grandson, well enough is enough.

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